Independence Day - July 4, 2019

 Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day celebrates United States independence from Britain. July 4th, 1776 is the day the Declaration of Independence was signed and adopted by the 2nd Continental Congress. This year will mark the 243rd year of American independence. 
Independence Day is always celebrated on the 4th of July unless the 4th lands on a Sunday, then it is celebrated on the following day.
This year, while we celebrate with picnics, family reunions, watermelon, fireworks, parades, etc., we should remember our freedom is not, nor has it ever been free.
Americans have fought and died to keep our country free and preserve the freedoms we enjoy. 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  

Additional freedoms were spelled out in the Bill of Rights-the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution:
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom to voice grievances to the government
Freedom of a Militia
The right to Bear Arms
Freedom from Illegal Search of a Person or Property
The requirement of a Warrant showing reasonable cause, only with an Oath, with a specific place, person, and property to be searched.
No person shall be held for a capital offense unless presentment from the Grand Jury.

These are just a few of our freedoms, many of which are in jeopardy of being overthrown by our current Congress. We as Americans need to be vigilant to preserve our freedoms. 


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