Oct. 25 meeting cancelled

Ada Writers,

Due the extraordinary number of members who can't attend tomorrow's meeting (12 and counting), we have decided to cancel the meeting and will see you at the next meeting on Saturday, Nov. 8. Please notify any of your fellow writers you are in contact with. We will be putting a sign on the door in case we miss anyone and a notice on the website and Facebook page.

Please email us if you need to hand in a printed copy of your submission to Creations. Otherwise, email it to this email address. Tomorrow is the deadline as we have enough items to fill the book.

Also, Stephen, Gail, Wendy and Jean have a book signing Thursday, Oct. 30, 4:30-6:30 p.m. for Blackbirds First Flight at the Ada Library. Come out for that. It may be your only chance to meet Wendy and Jean, our out-of-state members. It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.


Ken Lewis
Ada Writers