Memorial Day 2019

Memorial Day

May 27, 2019

The holiday is upon us. Memorial Day weekend - a time to get outside, spend time with family and friends, barbecues, picnics - hot-dogs and apple pie. Flags are flying. Old men march in parades in their uniforms. What's not to like?

Actually, Memorial Day was created as a time to remember those who had fallen in the Civil War. It was called Decoration Day so people would decorate the graves of the dead soldiers.  Later, it was expanded to include the fallen in all American Wars. The name was changed to Memorial Day officially in 1967.  Did you know,  A National Moment of Rememberance, was established in 2000. We are to stop at 3:00 pm on Memorial Day afternoon to reflect on those who gave their lives for our freedoms. One minute of silence for all Americans to remember the fallen. Doesn't seem like much to ask. I had never heard of this National Act of Unity.
As an American, I believe it's the least I can do. I will set my clock for 3pm this Monday. I hope I'm not the only one.

Many of our members are veterans. I appreciate the sacrifices each has made and I'm glad they were able to return home. Thank you, all!

Do you know someone who was killed in a war? Someone who served? Write a story about an experience, a person, a memory, or a fictional account involving Memorial Day, a veteran, a fallen soldier, etc. This can also include stories of parades, barbecues, etc.
Make it under 500 words and it can be submitted for our writing contest.
Write over 500 words and it can be used for Creations 2019.

for more interesting facts about Memorial Day go to -

Happy Memorial Day, Everyone!

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