The setting of a story is where the story is taking place. It may be a room, a town, in a boat at sea, etc.
The setting also includes factors such as the time of day, the time of year, or the year in history.
It includes weather, nature, animals, birds, snow, rain, wind, etc.
It doesn't have to be a real place, you can invent your own town, country, or planet.
Where ever the setting is it must fit with the character. A seaside hut would be a much different setting than an uptown apartment. How does the character fit in the setting?
Spend time getting to know your setting.
Some people get so involved they construct maps of the neighborhood. You may not want to get that involved but be familiar with it.
If the character is a farmer, you should know what is involved in his kind of farming.
If the character is an Olympic swimmer, what is his routine?
If the setting is 1850 Oklahoma Territory, the sites would be quite different from 1850 New York City.
If you make up a fantasy setting, makeup all the aspects of that world.
If it takes place in outer space, is their gravity? How do people get from place to place? Are people even there or are there other types of creatures. What do their homes look like, what do they eat, what is the weather like? How many moons do they have, if any?
Setting is like another character in your story. It should be planned out and known by the author. Even if you never write about where the bathroom is, you should know yourself.