Memorial Day 2019

Memorial Day

May 27, 2019

The holiday is upon us. Memorial Day weekend - a time to get outside, spend time with family and friends, barbecues, picnics - hot-dogs and apple pie. Flags are flying. Old men march in parades in their uniforms. What's not to like?

Actually, Memorial Day was created as a time to remember those who had fallen in the Civil War. It was called Decoration Day so people would decorate the graves of the dead soldiers.  Later, it was expanded to include the fallen in all American Wars. The name was changed to Memorial Day officially in 1967.  Did you know,  A National Moment of Rememberance, was established in 2000. We are to stop at 3:00 pm on Memorial Day afternoon to reflect on those who gave their lives for our freedoms. One minute of silence for all Americans to remember the fallen. Doesn't seem like much to ask. I had never heard of this National Act of Unity.
As an American, I believe it's the least I can do. I will set my clock for 3pm this Monday. I hope I'm not the only one.

Many of our members are veterans. I appreciate the sacrifices each has made and I'm glad they were able to return home. Thank you, all!

Do you know someone who was killed in a war? Someone who served? Write a story about an experience, a person, a memory, or a fictional account involving Memorial Day, a veteran, a fallen soldier, etc. This can also include stories of parades, barbecues, etc.
Make it under 500 words and it can be submitted for our writing contest.
Write over 500 words and it can be used for Creations 2019.

for more interesting facts about Memorial Day go to -

Happy Memorial Day, Everyone!


No Meeting Sat, May 25th. The library is closed for Memorial Day Weekend!

Writing Contest

The Ada Writers' Short Story Contest is Under Way!

The contest is open to everyone. Tell your friends, relatives, and various acquaintances and encourage them to write their stories. This doesn't mean you're off the hook -  you still need to write your story!

The Contest began April 30 and ends June 22.
Each story is limited to 500 words.
The requirements of how to submit your story were sent by email by Paula
but if for some reason you didn't get it - let us know, we'll get you a copy of the rules and submission requirements.
The main thing is to get it in on time, sent through the computer, typed double-spaced.

Remember there are prizes for the winners!
So get busy and get those stories written, the sooner the better.

Author Portraits

As you know, April 27th was picture day.
Several us went to McCoy-Callison Photography (also known as Legacy Portraits) 
to have pictures taken for Creations 2019.
Janet McCoy (the photographer) offered to give us a special rate of $10.00 per person.
This was so all our pictures would be uniform and professional in Creations 2019.
We voted that we would take the $10 p/p from the Ada Writers bank account so everyone could participate. This paid for the sitting fees and a disc to be owned by the club, of all members.

Unfortunately, only 8 of our 19 members showed up.

Janet has offered a 2nd opportunity to take pictures of those that didn't make it, for the same price.
All you have to do is call her and set up a time.  
Her contacts numbers are as follows -
work - 580-332-5104
cell - 580-421-3274
The club will still pay the $10 dollar fee. Please call and make arrangements ASAP!
Preferably before our business meeting, May 11th.
Extra prints can be ordered at $25.00 each. These will be
copyright-free so you can use them for your personal books!

Janet is doing this as a favor to Ada Writers. She is going above and beyond to
accommodate us. Anyone who doesn't have their portraits taken with Janet  WILL NOT have a picture with their writings in Creations 2019. 

Please call and make arrangements ASAP! This is such a great opportunity to have professional photos of all our members. Don't pass it up!

If you have any questions, you can call or email me. 

       home phone - 580-332-8373, cell phone - 580-235-5124
       emails - or

May Day Writing Prompt # 2

May Baskets!

For those of you who don't know what a May Basket is here's a quick explanation:

May Baskets are cute little baskets made out of whatever you want to make them from - paper, 

cardboard, a tin can, tissue paper, etc.

Traditionally, they were filled with flowers to celebrate spring. As time went on anything could be 

added to a May Basket - candy, cookies or other baked goods,  a small toy or gift, flowers, of course, 

pretty much anything.  Then you put them on the doorknob of a friend's house, rang the doorbell, and 

ran. You tried to get away without the friend seeing you so he/she wouldn't know who left it.

So much fun.

Write a story, a memory from your past or something made up, about May Baskets.

Bring it to our May 11th meeting.

May Day Writing Prompt #1

It's May Day! The May Pole Dance is an important part of the traditional May Day Celebration.

Did you ever participate in a May Pole Dance?

Write about it and bring it to our meeting on May 11th.

It's May! Happy May Day!

Happy May Day!