On a Personal Note...

We are into our 3rd month of 2019. I've changed the format of our meeting to include
talking about our art - writing. I'm trying to get members more involved in the meetings and to learn more about our craft. The first several meetings, I received great feedback. Everyone seemed on board. I thought we were moving forward as a club. We went from having four active members to eighteen at the end of today's meeting.

I'm not sure what happened but I've gotten the impression not everyone is not happy with the way things are going lately. No one has spoken to me about a problem. However, today several people chose not to vote on an issue. This is not good for the club. No one has to agree with me. You won't hurt my feelings. Just talk to me. I'm the president of the club, not because I asked to be. I was asked to run. I was voted in by the club members. Many people had talked about leaving the club unless something changed, including me. 

I'm trying to move our club to do more writing and learning about writing. Things to help us improve our skills. I want us to support each other. To reach out into the community and encourage other authors. I want any child who wants to write to have the opportunity. I am not a teacher. I have taken many writing courses, but I am not an expert. I do not want to force my ideas on anybody. If you're not happy with the changes I've made, let me know. We can always go back to the way things were. 

I'm part of Ada Writers Club. It's a club. A group of people with like interests. I am not the final say on anything - that's up to the club. I want what's best for the club, that's why I'm here. 

If anyone wants to discuss any issues with me, please do so. You can add a comment to this post or you can call me directly. My numbers are 580-332-8373 or 580-235-5024. Like I said, you won't hurt my feelings. I won't be mad. 

I love you all! 

Ada Writers President.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of doing more writing and the post above with the writing prompt is a great idea. I'm not that great with impromptu writing, so this gives me the opportunity to spend time on a story.


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